Entries by mlutz

5 Reasons Xerographic Digital Printing Can Make Your Orlando Convention Successful

You need a partner in Orlando to help you make your meeting, conference or convention a great success. We know you have a lot of pressure on you. You can trust our experienced staff and our impressive array of equipment and services. We’re your partner here in Orlando. 1. Location Our Xerographic Digital Printing facility […]

Digital vs. Offset – Keeping Up With The Changes

“Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes” Surely David Bowie wasn’t thinking about printing when he wrote his hit song, “Changes” in 1971. But the chorus “Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes” certainly fits what’s going on in the printing industry today. From Gutenberg’s movable type press in 1450, to the start of offset printing in 1875, people have found ways, more and more efficiently, to […]