Client Portal Access Speeds Up Your Projects and Revisions.
We’re always happy to help traffic your projects through our system. That’s what we do. Should you desire, for your on-going or recurring projects, we can create a password-protected, branded portal for you to make your own updates and revisions, provide PDF approvals, send it on to be printed in the quantity you desire, and delivered where you wish. What a great way for you to manage your projects!
And that’s available to you 24/7.
Once your project is in the system, we allow you (and only you or those who you give permission to) to get approvals, order more – just the quantity you need right now – send it to our printing queue, and track your shipping. And, because we’re a digital printer, small quantities are no problem and still very cost-efficient for you. Or, if you need digital media, you can even use your portal to order USBs, CDs or DVDs.
Yes! At any time, we are available for assistance, with technical questions, design changes, binding alterations or changes to shipping instructions. But knowing that you can take the driver’s seat should give you a great sense of control. Just another innovative service offered by Xerographic Digital Printing.
Give us a call today, and let’s discuss how we can design your custom portal, with all the online features and functions you need.